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Materials Matter - NSL Thought Leadership

The Exponential Future of Metal Printing: New Technologies and Needs for Materials Science

Metal additive manufacturing has improved productivity by orders of magnitude in its 2+ decades of industrial use. It is going through an exponential development cycle with myriad new alloy development approaches coupled with exciting new process improvements.  Taken together a new phase of industrial application expansion of its use is happening.  The key to unlocking…

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Introduction to X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)

Different phases of materials have different benefits to their performance in a specific application. These phases form from the relationship of how atoms in a material stack together and even the same chemistry can present as different phases under different conditions of heat treatment or in different environments! Examining a material’s phase requires special testing…

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Moore’s Law for Metal Printing: Where We Are and How Do We Stay on Track?

In 1965, Gordon Moore set the path for the semiconductor revolution with his article “Cramming More Components onto Integrated Circuits” That vision of doubling the number of integrated circuits on each chip every 1-2 years was coined “Moore’s Law”. For the past 60 years, it has motivated exponential technology roadmaps that have transformed modern life….

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Independent Testing Lab

Our reputation is driven by our ability to deliver consistently accurate data. It’s our team’s mission to fully understand your organization’s unique testing needs and then provide an unbiased, reliable assessment of your materials.

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Meet Ed Herderick, Vice President, Science & Technology Development at NSL and learn about NSL’s vision and the new website features.

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